By Taylor Conley
Any high schooler taking Greek or Latin may know of the Classics Club. Or maybe you’ve seen flyers around the school. The Classics Club meets in room 404 on Friday during high school lunch. The Classics Club is in the National Junior Classical League, as well as Arizona JCL. This means they get to compete at conventions.
The club studies for future conventions by playing games, mainly working on coordination. To embrace Roman culture, members have celebrated Saturnalia, a holiday where rich and poor Romans switched places. In the club’s case, teachers would take the place of the students. Teachers came into the class and played games with the students. The students had organized the activities in advance.
“We played these games where we would see how many dress code violations we could make, and games like ‘How many song lyrics can you sing’? It was really fun,” said Annie Meacham, a freshman in the club.
On a weekend in May, the Classics Club is going to tour the Pompeii exhibit at the Arizona Science Center. There is also an idea of taking a trip to Greece in a year or two.