Noah Frazier honored as Carson Scholar

By Cameron Hill

With spring arriving, scholarships are being awarded across the country. For the second year in a row Junior Noah Frazier has been named a Carson Scholar. There can be only one Carson Scholar per school and there is no lack of high achievers at Tempe Prep so to be the Carson Scholar two years in a row is amazing.

Noah Frazier 2The Carson Scholarship is a one-time $1,000 scholarship. The criteria for being named a Carson Scholar includes maintaining a 3.75 GPA and volunteering consistently. In addition, you must be nominated by an educator from your school. In Noah’s case he “actually didn’t learn about the scholarship until Mrs. Moffitt nominated me.” According to Noah, the scholarship “seemed to align really well with what I had done.” Earning it twice looks great on applications and shows continued volunteering and academic success.

To earn the scholarship Noah volunteered with multiple places across the Valley including the Tempe Library, Hospice of the Valley and Chandler Regional Medical Center. Noah cautioned that “volunteering is something you have to start not just for the sake of some kind of recognition,” but instead you should look for volunteering in a field that interests you.

The winners in a normal year would have a regional banquet in which all the winners in a region would meet up to be recognized. With the ongoing coronavirus situation, this year there will be an online ceremony. Noah said he is very excited for this year’s ceremony because he was not able to attend last year’s banquet in California.

Noah recommended that “If you have experience with volunteering and are a good student, I’m sure you can express your interest in the scholarship and Mrs. Moffitt will nominate you.” Congratulations Noah and have a great awards ceremony!