TPA Rainbow Alliance invites new members

By Maya Kostov

Having a school that creates a safe and supportive learning environment for all students is very important. For teens to thrive in schools and communities, they need to feel emotionally, socially, and physically safe and supported.

pride flagFreshmen Taylor Conley, Borislava Panayotova, and Zoe Lenz, with the help of Mrs. Palumbo and Mr. Weiss, have started one of the newest up and coming clubs on campus called “Rainbow Alliance.” This club is specifically geared towards concerns and interests of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and allied community. “Rainbow Alliance” is basically all about creating a safe space for LGBTQ members and allies.

Taylor, Borislava, and Zoe have planned tons of activities for the members. Zoe mentions, “We would love to do small lessons on LGBT history, maybe bring some speakers in, or even hold presentation days where members just get to talk about something they are passionate about!”

Taylor threw out game or movie nights, life discussions, and discussion about policies that affect LGBT members as potential club meeting ideas. Something else they would really like to touch on is mental health and mental health awareness.

In the midst of this pandemic, it can be hard to know when to relax and when to work hard, especially in the comfort of your own home. Rainbow Alliance can act as a place where students simply go to have fun!

Borislava says, “Come check out our club! Our members are super chill and nice. We have a ton of members with differing interests so you can always find someone to talk to!” Everyone is welcome. Rainbow Alliance meets Thursdays after school. Be sure to check out their Instagram page @tparainbowalliance for more information on meetings!