Tempe Prep middle-school sports update:Soccer, softball and baseball teams

By Ruby Bennett

The middle-school girls soccer team has had a successful but inconsistent season, with one win, two losses and a tie. However, inconsistency is not too important to their coach, Mr. Macdonald.

For Mr. Macdonald, a vital part of school sports is merely having a community to be a part of, he said. Even in such a tight-knit community like Tempe Prep, it is important to Mr. Macdonald that the members of his team have a place where they belong. Teresa Hurlbut, a member of the girls soccer team, really appreciates the team spirit. “Our team has some amazing people on it and we are all very positive,” she said “The experience so far has been wonderful.”


The softball team so far has had a decent season, having won one of its first three games. Brooke Sahl, a member of the softball team and a sixth grader, said, “I think we’re doing well. We’ve really grown as a team.”

She goes on to explain that one principal part of being on the team is creating a positive environment. “It’s not too competitive; we just get to have fun.”


Additionally, baseball is also having an enjoyable season. Despite having lost its first few games, the team is still constantly improving.

“As the season has progressed, we have made each game’s score closer and closer, only losing by one or two runs,” said seventh grader Derek Vujtech.

Beyond performance, middle-school baseball has just been a pleasure to participate in. “Baseball is a fun sport to be a part of because you can make friends, learn new things and stay active,” said Derek.

Boys soccer

Middle-school boys Soccer has also been doing well. The team hasn’t played many games, but that is not stopping them from working hard and seeing improvement. Liam Hamilton, a member of the boys soccer team, said, “We have improved exponentially since our first practice, especially in team skills.” Teamwork is important in all sports, but especially in soccer, when so much of the teams’ performance relies on efficiently passing the ball.

Overall, middle-school sports this season have helped students gain athletic skills, but also creates a positive environment and an appreciation for being a part of a team. Derek recommends, “Anyone who is interested in a school sport (should) give it a try.”