TPA students in the Tempe Youth Leadership program

Teens in the Tempe Youth Leadership program pose during the fire day, where they experienced life as a firefighter.

By: Hannah Turley

   Have you ever wondered how to improve your leadership skills? The Tempe Leadership program is a program designed to enhance leadership skills in Tempe’s youth. 

   Participants experience many aspects of the community by attending activities every other day. So far, they have had service, firefighting, and arts and culture days. Part of the program involves working in a group to create a detailed mock initiative that would benefit the Tempe community.

   “My favorite part about it has definitely been the fire day. We got to ride in their vehicles, destroy cars, go into a simulator of a burning building, play soccer with their horses and more fun activities. I loved being able to experience their life for a day and see if maybe I want to pursue a career field that I never really considered.” says Natalia. 

   Through this program the students got to meet new people. Anna DeLaney, a sophomore says, “I’ve also really liked getting to meet new people through the program and getting to do the amazing activities with them.” Anna’s favorite part was a retreat in Payson.

   Working on the mock project has taught the students how much work and how many details go into planning an event. 

   To get into the program you must submit an application and interview with a panel. 

   Overall, students feel they have grown a lot through this program and encourage anyone interested to apply the next time they can!