Students should begin college search early

By Billie Nagy

It’s that time of year again when scrambling seniors tour different colleges and send in their application letters in the hopes of attending their dream university. The fact is, most students don’t realize that the time to start looking at colleges should begin as early as middle school. Mrs. Moffitt, TPA’s college advisor, can help get you started and guide you through the process.

Seniors are so busy studying for the SAT and ACT, preparing college applications, writing their theses, and enjoying their last year of high school that there is often not enough time available for them to visit every college they are considering. Visiting and investigating as many colleges as possible prior to senior year provides the best opportunity for students to find a college that most suits their needs and desires.

Touring campuses and taking advantage of colleges that visit TPA or the local area are great ways to connect and ask questions about a university’s study programs, college life, and available scholarships. There is always information to be gained from these visits, even from universities that aren’t on a student’s priority list.

Scores on the PSAT, SAT, and the ACT greatly affect a student’s chances of being accepted into a favored university, and/or possibly becoming a National Merit Scholar. Discovering which colleges provide “free rides” can be the golden ticket to your dream college and can cover much of the expenses.

So study smart, manage your time well, and talk to friends, family, and others about their experiences and opinions when planning your path to college. Don’t forget to visit TPA’s college advisor Mrs. Moffitt in the Student Union for more information and guidance.