By Rachel Dinh
On Sept. 30, the TPA cross country runners celebrated the start of fall break by running a 3.1-mile race. This was not just any race, however; it was the highly anticipated Desert Twilight Meet, where more than 100 schools gather to compete. And as Mrs. Camberg says, “As the sun goes down, so do the times.”
The cool weather is definitely one of the highlights of the race, not to mention the invigorating environment created by hundreds of excited runners. And let’s not forget the huge line of people waiting to buy the ever-popular Twilight Meet T-shirts, of which this year’s slogan is, “I run cross country because punching people is frowned upon.”
Gunshots went off every 15 minutes to signal the start of a new race. The course was set on a golf course with a bunch of turns guided by flags and cones. In the last stretch of the course, lines of family members and teammates cheered the finishing athletes.
Usually runners get PRs (personal records) at Twilight and this year TPA did not disappoint. Aiden Logan, a sophomore new to cross country, obtained a PR that was about a minute faster than his last race. This achievement did not come easily, though. Aiden says, “I really pushed myself to get a PR, but about 50 meters from the finish line, I had to stop to make sure I didn’t throw up.”
Sometimes the most important win isn’t having a fast time, but knowing your body’s limits. Several others broke personal records, and everyone ended up having a great time.
With only two (or is it three?) meets left to run, the high school cross country season is almost over. If TPA’s teams place high enough in the Sectionals meet, they will advance to State. Individual people can also qualify for State if they are in the first 20 people to finish.
Mrs. Camberg has high hopes that both the girls and boys team can make it to state, which hasn’t happened in many years.
TPA is hosting its own meet on Oct. 19 at Evelyn Hallman Park. Volunteers are needed, so if you’re interested, talk to Coach Hickernell and come help out!
Trevor Kerber sums it up pretty well: “I’m Trevor Kerber and this is the TPA cross country team. I run with my friends and coaches. Every personal record has a story, and a price. One thing I have learned after running on this team for three years is, you never know WHAT is going to happen at the next meet.”