By Grace Newman
Ultimate Frisbee
Do you want to have the ultimate amount of fun? Join Ultimate Frisbee, where the cheers are “FUN,” the frisbees are flying, and the coaches are friendly. Mr. Cates, the new head coach, always wants the players to keep in mind: “The worst thing that could happen is we lose.”
So far, the team has played two games and has many more to come this season. While they are still trying to make up for lost games due to the rain, the team shows their full potential during practices. Isaiah Shea, a senior captain, will always be there to ensure everyone knows just how long 10 seconds (the time you have to throw the frisbee) is. His determination to get into the end-zone, along Steven Veenstra’s strategies and Mr. Cates’ amazing pep talks, have helped to shape the team into who they are today.
Investment Club
Do you want to make some money? Come to room 406 during high school lunch every Wednesday to learn about how to invest your money in the best way possible. Dr. Evans describes this Investment Club as “the intersection of economics and politics.” He will teach you all about the bears and the bulls, and even touch on today’s governments.
This club is focused on what the members want to hear about, so come with ideas! You will discover more about current events, socialism, capitalism, and how to invest as an individual.
Dream Singh says this club is helpful because it helps you “stay in the loop” as you discover more of the world around you. Both Dr. Evans and Dream agree that they have a good group of students eager to learn, and are excited for new members. Dr. Evans’ favorite part of the club is seeing the interest of students, and is encouraged by the turn-up every week.
Physics Club
Find out more of the wonderful world of science! Come to Physics Club during high school lunch. Watch videos and presentations that expand studies even outside the Tempe Prep curriculum. Oscar Fortunado says they try their best to “make it understandable for everyone even if they’ve never taken physics before.” They’re planning on experimenting soon with many different activities, and may even take a field trip! Anyone is welcome.
Bird Club
It’s a bird, it’s a plane! Nope, it’s actually a bird. Although they may be interesting, pigeons and grackles are the main birds out of the many Arizona species that we see on campus. Bird Club is here to change that! If this interests you, be sure to go to the faculty house on Wednesdays during high school lunch. “The main focus,” Maggie Fraser says, is “to attract native Arizonan birds to our campus so that it can be a more colorful place.” The plan is to have the birds at Rachel’s Gardens, near the faculty house. Maybe next time you go to talk to a teacher, you may spot a lesser goldfinch, or maybe even a Gila woodpecker!