Herstory Club partnering with Girl Up organization as it enters its fourth year

By Sam Goodykoontz

There are many clubs at this school that help the students, but what about a club where the students help others? That kind of club is called the Herstory Club.

Girl-Up-logoThe Herstory Club, led by Dr. Salcido, is going through a new and exciting fourth year. This year, the Herstory Club is participating in the organization Girl Up, which helps more than 80,000 girls around the world. Herstory this year also has new officers, with senior Oscar Fortunato as president and sophomore Sam Campbell as vice president.

Sophomore Sama Allam feels that “We are more serious this year, and since we have joined Girl Up there will be a lot more opportunities to provide help to people and improve as a club.

Sophomore Brooke Kirk feels that “Herstory is expanding rapidly. Despite being a new member this year, I can already see how much more active we are going to be … this year and I am excited to pursue new projects with Herstory to help women.”

The Herstory Club has many high hopes and expectations this year, and with how things look now, they will no doubt reach them.