By Sanjana Thimmidi
As any TPA student knows, we have many sports and clubs. From football to French club, a wide variety of interests are catered to. But not all clubs are as well-known as others. Here are just a few:
Fashion Club
Fashion Club started a year ago by Joya Ma, who is now studying at The New School in New York. The club is now run by juniors Krystina Jastrzebsbki and Ehsa Murray. This small but thriving club takes place during lunch on Wednesday. The main focus of this club is, as co-leader Ehsa says, is “artistic based, and teaching how to draw fashion.” So far, they have started to teach how to draw figures and will eventually move in to design, mood boards, and character design. As Ehsa puts it, it is a “totally chill environment to learn.” You don’t have to know anything about fashion to join.
Bird Club
Bird Club was started by freshmen Margaret Fraser this year. Margaret, often known as “Maggie,” loves birds and always has. She saw that there was no other club like it and she strove to introduce it to campus. With the help of Mr. Veenstra as a faculty advisor, Maggie will hold meetings also during lunch on Wednesday. They are currently working with Environmental Club to set up plants and feeders to attract birds like hummingbirds and finches. This club costs absolutely nothing to join so if you are interested, talk to Maggie for more details.
Environmental Club
Have you been to the teachers house lately? Have you seen that beautiful garden growing? Do you know how it came to be? Well, Environmental Club, led by Morgan Cryder, has been carefully planting and growing eggplant, squash, and even pumpkin! They have a wide assortment of flowers, peppers, and melons. If you are interested in “growing” your knowledge of the environment, join Environmental Club.
Political Discussions Club
Political Discussions Club was also started this year by juniors Claudia Pace and Stella Lovelady. Stella and Claudia started this club to be able to constructively talk about politics and different opinions without the common stigma. The goal of this club is not to single out any one person or group of people, but to understand why people think the way that they do. Political Discussion Club takes places on Friday during lunch, with Mr. Veenstra as advisor.
All of these clubs may be be less known but that doesn’t make them any less awesome!