By Sarah Goodykoontz
H.O.P.E. Crew is a club at TPA that is dedicated to helping in the community through acceptance, service, and, well, hope! H.O.P.E. stands for Honoring Others’ Perspectives Equally. “The goal of the club is to make TPA more open and aware of things that impact many people but that don’t often receive due recognition,” says Oscar Fortunato, a senior and a member of the club. “For example, we made posters that have information about mental health as well as resources.” H.O.P.E. Crew is also planning on providing awareness of different cultures sometime in the future.
Mrs. Magaña is also pleased with what the club has done, as well as what it has in store. H.O.P.E. Crew “started back in 2012 with Mrs. Pitman (a former drama teacher) and a group of seniors to help students have an opportunity to talk about ways to help the community increase acceptance and impact multiple organizations they found near to their hearts,” she says. The club has continued with the same philosophy since Mrs. Magaña has taken over. “We work to increase understanding on things such as mental health, stress management, and youth in our community and around the United States.”
In the few years H.O.P.E. Crew has existed at TPA, it has donated more than $400 to a number of organizations. In January, the club will be holding a sock drive for THREADZ, which is part of the City of Tempe’s youth resource campaign that helps provide needy young people with basic necessities. Overall, the club has had some very impressive accomplishments so far, and TPA can’t wait to see many more!
H.O.P.E. Crew is trying to grow their club, so make sure to stop by on Mondays during high school lunch in Room 403.