Volleyball team put in huge effort, also had lots of fun

By Jacqueline Risch

Dip! Dip! Swing! As the first semester wraps up, Tempe Prep volleyball ends with a grand total of seven wins this season! With a final game against Gilbert Classical Academy on Halloween, the Lady Knights pushed themselves to work harder than ever on the team’s Senior Night.

Senior Lily Welter gives a recap of the memorable night: “I felt really special and honored. My favorite part was walking up with my parents. It really felt like it was [the seniors’] time to shine. Seeing the girls put in so much work, and for it to finally pay off was incredible. I’m so proud of the team.”

Fellow senior Kennedy Rotner commented that “senior night was amazing. It was so cool hearing about all the other seniors’ memories from volleyball over the years. It was also very special getting the recognition and gifts from the other players.”

VarVB002In addition to the Lady Knights’ hard efforts on the court, Tempe Prep’s football team, along with many students and teachers, came to cheer the girls on. Since it was Halloween, students dressed up as pirates, nurses, sharks, and the football boys even borrowed female students’ skirts to wear! Rotner exclaimed that “it was the best student section I’ve ever seen! Having the game on Halloween made it extra special. My favorite cheer they did would have to be when they chanted ‘this is our swamp!’” In addition, the student section also hosted a variety of short flash mobs in between sets ranging from the “Baby Shark” song, to “Turn Down for What.” They also provided the crowd with a great laugh when they all collapsed after someone shouted “Andy’s coming!” in reference to the movie Toy Story.

Overall, 2019 volleyball season ended on a great note. For the upcoming seniors and other players, Welter’s advice is “just give it your all. When it’s your last season you just want to remember all the great things that happened.”

Rotner says, “always do your best, work hard, and have fun with your team. Just live it up. Every moment. The season goes by so fast.”

Congratulations on a great season Lady Knights! We can’t wait to see what success you’ll bring next year.

Halloween cheering section.
Halloween cheering section.