Varsity volleyball team enjoying success


By Nathan Haug

Volleyball is quite the tough game to play. Requiring a lot of athleticism and extreme team coordination, the game is no easy task. Although volleyball is tough, our very own Lady Knights varsity volleyball team has been killing it!

With a solid record of 8-2 the team is “playing very well together this year,” says Hailey Henderson, a varsity player. Having an 8-2 score does not just come out of nowhere, it takes a good team with lots of practice. With hard work at practice and strong team chemistry the Lady Knights were able to defeat two undefeated teams, North Valley Christian Academy and North Phoenix Prep. Hailey further says, “As a team we really wanted to win against them, and we came together and just did it.”

Winning is fun in general, but “beating good teams feels so good,” says Julia Cady, another varsity player.

Personally, I have seen some of this amazing team coordination and effort in the junior varsity team. I attend a game gaining a front row seat in being a line judge. The amount of coordination and team play involved was astounding, constantly hearing calls being made and plays being executed. It was truly a sight to see and I highly recommend to at least attend one volleyball game this season. It is not only entertaining to watch but very interesting to see such great team work.

If the Lady Knights continue their hard work and keep up the practice they will be on their way to a very successful volleyball season.

Photos are of the Lady Knights’ Sept. 22 victory over San Manuel.

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