Hello TPA! The De Equitibus “Ask Athena” advice column is back and ready to answer your questions. Write anonymously through Athena’s email – tpaAskAthena@gmail.com. Please keep questions school appropriate and note that every question will not be answered.
My brother is two years older than me in school. It feels like every year I get to classes and all my teachers already have expectations of me based on him. What should I do?
I understand the feeling of living in the shadow of an older sibling. While personally I don’t have any experience with this feeling, I can sympathize with your situation. First, remember you are your own person, don’t let other people’s perception of you define who you are and who you are becoming. Second, just be yourself. This is clichèd advice, but following it will allow your expectations to change and you won’t feel confined to others’ standards.